About Us

Company History

The Story

In the Hindu Epic Ramayana, Lord Hanuman ji had taken the responsibility of finding Sita, wife of Lord Shri Ram, who was kidnapped by Demon King Ravan and taken to Lanka across the ocean.

As the epic goes, standing at the shores of great ocean, Lord Hanuman was lost in the thoughts trying to think of a way to cross the ocean. Seeing him lost in his thoughts and understanding his state of mind, Jamwant Ji, the commander of lord shri Ram’s army, reminded Hanuman of his childhood where Hanuman had leaped into the sky and had swallowed the sun. Reminded of his own ability and powers, Hanuman ji leaped across the ocean and reached Lanka and the rest is history.

Inspired by the character of Jamwant, who was instrumental in reminding the God of his own powers, Jamwant ventures LLP was incepted. The aim of this venture is not only to provide funding to the budding startups/ founders but also to assist founders, who are faced with ocean of challenges during their journey as entrepreneurs, but also to remind them of their intrinsic strengths.

The founders of Jamwant ventures, during their 60 years of combined experience have come across amazingly talented and gifted founders who just needed to be guided and reminded of their own abilities to survive and make it big.

Company History

The Start

The founders of the company share military values & have closely felt the need for indigenous technology in defense, and are philosophically aligned with the call of 'Atma Nirbhar Bharat With more than 60 yrs of combined experience in the field of project management, defence acq, quality assurance, supply chain management and technology evaluation /financing, the team understand the it is rightly poised to make meaningful contribution in the defence and deep tech ecosystem.


Provide you the great Services


Guiding Founders on a personalized journey of growth, knowledge, and skill development to realise their full potential.


Providing needed direction and strategic insights to startups for making informed decisions and achieving their goals.

Raising Funds

Strategically connecting ventures with the right resources and investors for targetted growth.

Investing in Startups

Empowering promising startups with strategic capital infusion and expertise to catalyze innovation and fuel exponential growth.

Providing Required Support

Offering tailored assistance and resources to bridge the gaps and propel individuals or organizations towards their desired outcomes.

Our Core Values:
Trust, Loyalty and Integrity

At Jamwant Ventures, trust, loyalty and integrity form the core values of company. We understand that trust is earned through dedicated efforts, transparent communication, and honest actions. It's not just about the services we provide; it's about the lasting relationships we create. We take the time to listen, understand unique needs of each founder, and tailor our approach accordingly. Our unwavering commitment, combined with our diverse expertise, ensures that we build meaningful partnerships that stand the test of time. Your trust is our most valuable asset, and strive to earn it, day in and day out.

Our Team

We love what we do
& We do it with passion!

At Jamwant Ventures, we are driven by passion. We at JV believe that we are parters in the journey of our startups with a sole aim to see them acheive their own dreams and successs. we're your dedicated partner in success. Our commitment and unwavering enthusiasm fuel our efforts to support you to achieve your goals. We believe in the power of collaboration and creating value through connecting the dots. From mentorship and guidance to raising funds and providing the crucial support you need, we're here to make a meaningful impact in the ecosystem. Together, let's turn your dreams into reality, because at Jamwant Ventures, 'YOU' are at the heart of everything we do!

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